Monday, 22 February 2010


What A Nightmare.

1-am, been traveling for a total of 16-hours and 47-minutes we step into are hotel lobby, west 33rd street Manhattan island NYC, get our keys and head up to our rooms for a well deserved sleep. key in the door, turn the handle and LOCKED! a couple of knocks and a few loud "what the f**k's" we hear the asian man that we have just busted in on shout out how it was his room. whoops! down to the lobby we go, followed by many others in the same situation only to find out that 90% of the bookings had been deleted! fun. a further 4-hours of waiting we finally step foot into the right rooms and enjoy a 4-hour sleep before starting our New York Adventure.

If waking up to find this out of your window doesn't inspirer and excite you to go take pictures, not much will!!

Photographer Visits.

While we were in NYC we visited 2 world famous photographers and 1 not so famous, nor on this plant of sane thoughts and dress sense.

The first was Platon, a UK born portrait photographer based in midtown NY, he
has shot everyone from movie stars and music royalty to world leaders and dictators.
This man is not only an incredible photogra
pher, but a bloody good speaker, We all found our selves hanging on every word he said. A spiritual a passionate person that
spoke to us at the same level, not as
a high and mighty photogr
apher to good for us, but more like one of the class that has struck lucky and willing to share is top tips.

(images by - Platon) -

The second Photographer was Phil Toledano. Just when we thought there couldn't b
e another photographer that could match up to the same quality and "niceness" as Platon, we meet Phil, another UK born photographer who has made is big over seas. A grea
t photographer and speaker, shooting individual projects that convey messages and meanings but always with a pinch of british humor and spice.

(images by - Phil Toledano) -

and the final photographer was Weird! sorry, Chris Verene. I seem to sum him up in one sentence,
A Weird Un inspiring Documentary Photographer about strange Sexual fantasies and an inbred american culture, crashing at his friends place.

(images by - Chris Verene) -

My Photos

Broadway - Flatiron Building.

5th Avenue - 10blocks from ------------------------------------------- 10th floor window - hotel Pen
empire state building.-------------------------------------------------- west 33rd street

for more images check out my flickr -

Wednesday, 3 February 2010


So, this morning i get a phone call to say that one of the images i took at "Henley festival 2009" as supporting photographer, is being used as this years "festival preview" front page. My name is credited and appears at the side of the image.

Fingers crossed this means i am the "official" photographer for 2010!!