Nothing for weeks, then out of the blue, an email asking if i would like to an "unchallenging" shoot for Co-op in Newcastle, images of the store and products for next seasons turn around, images to go around the country to every Co-op store, expenses, hotel and travel costs paid for on top of pay. "the shoots on Sunday, can you make it" this being Friday and i'm in Bournemouth, couldn't be further from Newcastle if i tried, but of course i said yes.
I asked to be sent some examples of previous images and i would be bullshitting you if i said i wasnt blow away from the examples given. which thankfully took a lot of pressure off me.
Here are some of the examples of past shoots.
Pack shots

Store shots

So, i have now got a 7hour drive from Bournemouth to the north west on my own, shoot at 7pm-2am, hopefully sleep for a few hours, then turn around and drive back 7hours to crack on with any post production needed.
will let you know how it goes.
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